One of the very best ways to get more revenue without spending a lot on marketing is to simply keep in touch with customers you have already acquired! The easiest and most cost effective way to do this is with email marketing, and it’s not as hard as most business owners think. Once you have some help getting your first few campaigns and mailing lists setup, businesses can often tweak and send their own email blasts in the future without much difficulty.
To optimize your success with email marketing, always send at least one email blast per month with interesting and unique content, perhaps about a sale, or a new product. Include some images or animations, and make the email easy to share. One advanced tip: emails that are sent between 9am and 1pm on Tuesday – Thursday are the most likely to be opened by readers. Always track your email blasts including every link, and if you have a list of over 1,000 people, try using A/B split testing to learn which subject line will inspire more people to open and interact with the email.
Learn how Email Marketing Consulting can help you in your unique situation. The first 1 hour of consultation is FREE and carries no strings or obligation! Just send a quick message via the Contact page for a fast response.